Friday, September 14, 2007

Dodgeball Tournament 2007

Sunday September 23rd we are having our 2nd annual dodgeball tournament. Both JH and Hs are welcome to come join us for an afternoon to hit others with professional dodgeballs. I have asked each of us to get into dressing up like some of the pictures below:

You can wear sweat bands and high socks, just whaever you do come ready to play some wicked awesome dodgeball games. We do need to post some rules. These are the official dodgeball rules:


The official ball used in tournament and league play will be an 8" rubber-coated foam ball.


The object of the game is to eliminate all opposing players by getting them "OUT". This may be done by:

1. Hitting an opposing player with a LIVE thrown ball below the shoulders.

2. Catching a LIVE ball thrown by your opponent before it touches the ground.

Definition: LIVE: A ball that has been thrown and has not touched anything, including the floor/ground, another ball, another player, official or other item outside of the playing field (wall, ceiling, etc)


During play, all players must remain within the boundary lines. Players may leave the boundaries through their end-line only to retrieve stray balls. They must also return through their end-line.


Game begins by placing the dodgeballs along the center line – three (3) on one side of the center hash and three (3) on the other. Players then take a position behind their end line. Following a signal by the official, teams may approach the centerline to retrieve the balls. This signal officially starts the contest. Teams may only retrieve the three (3) balls to their right of the center hash. Once a ball is retrieved it must be taken behind the attack-line before it can be legally thrown.

Well I hope this info helps....I will see you all on the court next Sunday afternoon. Meet up at church at 4:30pm in the parking lot....

Sign up on Sunday morning in the youth room...

Remeber to Dodge!

Thursday, July 26, 2007

WOW! What a Summer!

This summer has been great so far here in the youth group at Rancho Baptist Church. We have gone to Magic Mountain and had a blast riding the best roller coasters in the world.

The High School students went to Rock-N-Water Christian camp fpr a great week in God's creation. We had a great time white water rafting and spending time with our Lord. The theme we had this year was Surrender. God is calling all of us to give up our own life so that He may work and live through us. God is so worthy! God is to be glorified and worshipped all the days of our life.

Then Junior High had a great time up at Hume Lake. Our theme this year was ISOLA, alone at the end of the world. We went through the book of Daniel and were challenged to stand up for our faith even when we are alone and actually we are never alone because we have the Lord standing right by our side always. Hume was a great place to spend time with God and also experience some new things like the Blob, Noah's nightmare, and swimming in the lake every day.

And now we are just ending our time with VBS. It is a great theme with our Son Force Kids. God is really working through our helpers and staff.

It has truly been a great summer. What has been your favorite part of the RBC summer? Tell us a story of how God has been working in your life! Talk to ya soon....

Pastor Shane

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Summer is Here!

Hey RBC Youth!

Summer is here. I pray that you would fall deeper in love with Jesus this summer and that we would get over ourselves. This life is not about us, but about God and His glory. Check out these verses below:
Mark 8:34-38


Philippians 3:7-11

Read these verses and respond on this blog your own personal reflections of the challenges found in the scriptures. This life is not about us, but about giving our lives to the Lord in surrender. What does the word surrender mean?

I love Marvin the martian.

I want to remind you that we have our Magic Mountian trip on Tuesday June 19th and we meet at the church at 7am..... See ya this Sunday morning!

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Busy, Busy, Busy!

Busyness is the curse of our American culture. All I see are hurried people doing, doing, doing. Some people have to have their lives filled with stuff to even feel like they are doing something good.

And even today most Christians use this busyness as an excuse of the time they DO NOT spend with our LORD! God desires us to be the people of God before doing the thing of God! What I mean by this is it is most important to spend time with our Lord and meet with Him daily, then to be caught up in thinking that the Christian life is about being busy with the Lord's work. How do we know what to do for the Lord, if we are not spending time with Him.

Jesus spent time with the Father often. Luke 5:16 says Jesus Himself would often slip away to the wilderness and pray. We need to make daily time and hang out with God. We need to dive into the Bible and talk with the Lord through prayer. And do not look at it as something needed to get done, but as an awesome opportunity to meet with the One True God! We need to be people that spend time with Jesus and not get caught up in the busyness of life. Maybe we need to cut some things out of our busy schedules so we can meet with the Lord!

What do you think?

Pastor Shane

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Our New Youth Blog!

This is our new Junior High and High School RBC blog. A blog is a place where we can discuss different topics, talk about our everyday life and announce upcoming events for our youth group. I hope you enjoy this and get involved with our blog. I will be posting our next Blog post this next week.

Pastor Shane